Häufig Gestellte Fragen
Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen
Dental Implants FAQs
The cost of dental implants varies from patient to patient. We will discuss the value of your tailored treatment during your initial consultation. Dental implants are costlier than other dental solutions like bridges and dentures. Dental implants offer more comfort and convenience than other treatments and are the perfect long-term solution. For a fully customised quote, book a Video Consultation.
Yes, dental implants can easily replace dentures although people choose to have their dentures replaced because they are fixed to the jaw, putting an end to using adhesives.
Before the procedure, local anaesthesia is used in the mouth so you don’t feel anything. Post surgery you may experience some pain, bruising and swelling for about a week and this is entirely normal and after this you will be able return to normal life
Normally, dental implants can last as long as your natural teeth. It is important to take proper care of your implants to ensure a longer lifespan.
The duration of the procedure varies from person to person. The average time is 3 – 9 months, but this can be exceeded depending on your individual needs.
Clear Alignment Orthodontic Treatment FAQs
Our aligners rely on a series of custom-designed, transparent and soft plastic design that have a gently feel, controllable grip on your teeth to gently move them into place. You will need to replace your aligners every two weeks until the treatment is complete. The end result is a beautiful and healthy smile.
We advise that you wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day, only removing them when you eat and brush your teeth.
Like other dental treatments, it will take a few days to get used to having something inside your mouth. Most of our patients do not experience any changes in their speech, whilst some have experienced some minor discomfort for the first few days. Things should return back to normal once you get used to it.
Every new set of aligners will cause your teeth to feel tender initially. Thankfully, this shows that the treatment is working, and you are on your way to straighter teeth.
We advise that you remove your aligners first. Chewing with the aligners still in your mouth will cause the gum to stick to your aligners leading to discomfort.
We don’t recommend doing so! Nicotine can contaminate the aligners, staining them, meaning they are no longer invisible.
Keeping clean aligners is pretty easy. Simply brush them with toothpaste and rinse with warm water.
You will need to attend the clinic every 6 weeks. Although you don’t need modifications while wearing our aligners, we want to ensure that your treatment is going according to plan.
Yes, you will need to wear a retainer once your treatment is over. This is the only way to maintain the results of your treatment. Retainers aren’t too different from your aligners and eventually you’ll only need to wear them at night.
The duration of the treatment can vary from person to person. On average, it could take 6 – 12 months. Our dentists will give you a good idea how long your particular treatment will take.
The only way to determine if our Clear Alignment Orthodontic Treatment will work for you is to book a free consultation with Diamond Dental. We will assess your teeth and advise on the correct treatment.
Panic not! If you lose your aligners, call the clinic. We can arrange for replacements to be delivered to you.
Dental Crowns FAQs
Diamond Dental crowns can last 7 – 15 years. Crowns can be weakened by not maintaining adequate oral hygiene and onset of gum disease. Trauma can also affect the condition of your crowns and you should contact Diamond Dental immediately if this happens.
No. Crowns are usually fitted without root canal.
Diamond Dental crowns look completely natural.
A good quality procedure can take several weeks to complete. You will be given a temporary crown in the meantime. Quality work cannot be rushed, so it is vital to plan ahead.
We only use industry leading crowns for all patients.
Veneers FAQs
Veneers are small pieces of porcelain or composite bond fixed to the front surface of the teeth.
Used to hide underlying tooth. If your tooth needs straightening or you have gapped teeth, veneers can be used to hide these.
Veneers are an ideal solution if you have gaps in your teeth, if your teeth need straightening or if your tooth is chipped.
Veneers are an ideal solution if you have worn or cracked teeth. Veneers allow you to change the size, colour and shape of existing teeth.
The outer layer of the tooth is removed to create a rough surface so that the veneer can be attached to existing tooth.
A small amount of tooth loss is required, about the same size as the veneer to be applied.
After the tooth is formed, an image of the repaired tooth is taken and sent to senior Diamond Dental dentist so they can determine the right size, shape and colour you need.
If you choose Emax veneers, producing your veneers can take unto 10 days.
Not at all! We will provide a temporary denture that will cover your teeth until your veneers are fitted.
This all depends on how many veneers you need. The process usually takes less than an hour. The final installation takes less than 30 minutes.
Diamond dental only use the highest-quality dental materials so we don’t compromise on the strength and quality of our veneers. Please contact the clinic for a free consultation to determine the cost for your particular circumstances.
Porcelain veneers are extremely durable and do not need replacing unless they become damaged.
We can repair your composite veneers usually in one visit. If you have damaged porcelain veneers, these are manufactured at our laboratory, so replacing them would take a few more days.
Teeth Whitening FAQs
Professional dental products used under proper supervision do not damage teeth or gums. Some sensitivity may occur after the procedure, however this can easily be treated with a non-invasive gel.
Teeth whitening works by oxidising teeth. Oxygen molecules in the bleaching gel interact with bright molecules trapped in the base, causing them to defuse and produce whitening of the teeth.
Your Diamond Dental dentists will be happy to discuss different ways to whiten your teeth. Book a free consultation today.
The simple answer is yes providing that the procedure is carried our safely by a dental professional. At Diamond Dental it is our job to make sure you have healthy teeth that are suitable for teeth-whitening.
The most important thing are is to try and establish why your teeth are sensitive. In some patients, we can treat the sensitivity before your teeth whitening procedure. Teeth whitening can cause temporary enhanced sensitivity but this will subside shorty after. Therefore in a nutshell, just because you have sensitive teeth doesn’t mean you can’t have your teeth whitened by Diamond Dental.
Teeth whitening results tend to last longer if you down smoke or consume products that can cause staining on the teeth. These substances can cause external decay and reduce the brightness of the teeth. Regular brushing and dental visits to remove stains will keep your teeth in tip-top shape.
A big NO!
There is no evidence that these products whiten your teeth. Bicarbonate soda is extremely versatile because its used for kitchen cleaning and carpet stain removal among other things but its actually rough on your teeth, as is charcoal toothpaste.
Dental Fillings FAQs
These are the most common types of fillings. It’s only a good idea to replace these if they have cracked or worn out. Our composite fillings are generally recommended because not only do they last longer, they won’t need to be replaced due to wear and tear like the silver fillings.
Our composite fillings will never cause sensitivity, but occasionally you may experience some sensations. Drinking hot or cold drinks will not cause any discomfort.
Tooth coloured fillings are created from composite resin, which is great for fixing chips or other aesthetic problems inside the mouth. These fillings can also fix enamel damage or discolouration and seal gaps that can occur from general wear and tear.
Usually an hour, but this is dependent on your needs at the time.
This all depends on the size of the cavity that’s been filled. Its normal to be able to eat after the procedure without experiencing any discomfort, but we usually advise our patients to wait for a few hours to allow the anaesthesia to wear off .
Your composite fillings should remain tooth coloured for a long time, in most cases, lifetime!
There are many options at Diamond Dental including silver, amalgam, and our favourite, tooth coloured. We can also offer glass, ceramic and even gold!
Gum Grafting FAQs
Uneven gum tissue that’s covering too much or too little of the tooth’s surface can affect your smile’s true beauty. A bright attractive smile isn’t just made from beautiful pearly white teeth. Healthy and well-proportioned gums enhance your smile with an incredibly healthy and fresh appearance.
No. A tooth with too much exposed root area is prone to decaying quicker and becoming extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
If you’re lucky, your gum-related issues can be resolved without the need of going under the knife. This is precisely why we recommend booking a Video Consultation so our surgeons can determine how best to address your dental health problems. after your consultation our surgeons will be able to advise you of the best available corrective actions.
Since surgical procedures commonly involve incisions, stitches may be mandatory to close the incision and allow proper healing to begin. In some situations, a dressing may be needed, which will mean taking extra special care to keep the area as clean as possible. The oral surgeon will suggest ways to prevent the occurrence of problems related to the healing process. Over-the-counter pain medications may be sufficient after a procedure, but the surgeon will issue a prescription if the need for something stronger is needed. Discuss how and when any medications should be used to avoid complications. Typical healing process can take about one to two weeks, depending on the type of gum surgery performed. Your oral surgeon will also provide post-op instructions and care alternative to help the healing process.
Dentures FAQs
We take precise measurements of your jaw and teeth so your dentures fit perfectly without having to worry about any difficulties wearing them. The Diamond Dental Laboratory will make a detailed assessment using the latest state-of-the-art technology in producing your dentures.
You will notice some discomfort initially as your gums and jaw will need to get used to wearing false teeth. Once you get past this stage, we will carry out a further assessment and if necessary, make adjustments to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible wearing them.
Cleaning your dentures is as easy as cleaning your own teeth. We recommend you soak your dentures using cleaning tablets to remove any residual food particles.
Like the rest of your body, your gums and jaw change shape with age. Therefore, after 6 years, you will need to re-assess the situation and if necessary, get a new set of dentures made.
Root Canal Treatment FAQs
Root canal treatment involves the removal of nerve and pulp from an infected tooth. Without treatment, the infection will spread around the mouth that can lead to abscesses. The root canal is a natural cavity containing its nerve. Having your tooth with or without nerves does not affect the normal functioning of your teeth. The only function nerves serve is the feeling of hot, cold and other sensations.
An infected tooth will start to decay and the roots can become infected. If this happens, pus and other decayed debris may accumulate near the gum-line as well as between the root canal of a tooth’s narrow opening. The pain will normally alert you that there may be something wrong. Other symptoms can include swelling that can spread across the face and neck, as well as bone loss around the root tip.
The tooth’s nerve and pulp and become infected due to various dental procedures or trauma to the face and teeth. If you don’t take action in treating the symptoms, this could lead to bigger problems such as an abscessed tooth and jaw bone infection.
Symptoms that you may require surgery include severe toothache when chewing. You might suffer prolonged sensitivity when teeth are exposed to hot and cold temperatures. The infected tooth may also appear a darker colour. You may also experience tenderness and swelling in the gum area surrounding the infected tooth.
A root canal may require one or more visits to the dentist. An x-ray will be taken to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area surrounding the tooth and make the patient more comfortable. A sheet of rubber will be placed around the tooth (a rubber dam) to prevent the area becoming wet from saliva. A hole will then be drilled into the infected tooth. The dentist will then remove the pulp along with bacteria, the decayed nerve tissue and any debris. Root canal files are then used to clean the canal. Water or sodium hypochlorite is used to flush away the debris. Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, it is sealed. There are a few different schools of thought about when to seal the tooth. Some dentists may choose to wait and seal your tooth in seven days if you have an infection, while others will do it on the same day as cleaning. If they haven’t completed root canal work during that appointment, then some temporary filling comes into play until next time around! The tooth is filled with a sealer paste and gutta percha rubber compound, which will help protect the area from future infection. A filling to cover up any remaining hole in your teeth created at the beginning of treatment may also be placed before you leave. Finally it’s time for restoration; all that remains now are minor cosmetic changes like replacing what little was removed or having an artificial crown put on top of your natural one so as not to risk breakage later down the road when chewing becomes more vigorous again after healing has taken place.
Root canal procedures are no more painful than having a filling placed.
You may experienced heightened sensitivity for the first few days due to tissue inflammation. Most patients can return to life as normal the next day. You should avoid chewing on the tooth until a permanent filling or crown is fitted. This will help avoid further infections.
95% of cases will be successful and should last a lifetime.
On the odd occasion, minor complications can arise. This could result in having more than one hole or crack that wasn’t treated during the first procedure. Complications can also arise when the restoration doesn’t seal the area completely, allowing bacteria to reinfect the tooth. If you suffer complications, another root canal can be performed again.
Tooth Extraction FAQs
The first step in tooth extraction is numbing the area by injecting local anaesthesia. An alternative to this is using a numbing gel to make things more comfortable. During the extraction itself, little to no sensation is felt.
Once the treatment is complete, we will give you instructions on what you should and shouldn’t do to avoid complications.
We advise against smoking after the procedure because it can cause different complications. Smoking can also cause formed blood clots to unsettle, resulting in a painful dry socket. The blood clot is vital for the healing process.
Dental Implants FAQs
The cost of dental implants varies from patient to patient. We will discuss the value of your tailored treatment during your initial consultation. Dental implants are costlier than other dental solutions like bridges and dentures. Dental implants offer more comfort and convenience than other treatments and are the perfect long-term solution. For a fully customised quote, book a Video Consultation.
Yes, dental implants can easily replace dentures although people choose to have their dentures replaced because they are fixed to the jaw, putting an end to using adhesives.
Before the procedure, local anaesthesia is used in the mouth so you don’t feel anything. Post surgery you may experience some pain, bruising and swelling for about a week and this is entirely normal and after this you will be able return to normal life
Normally, dental implants can last as long as your natural teeth. It is important to take proper care of your implants to ensure a longer lifespan.
The duration of the procedure varies from person to person. The average time is 3 – 9 months, but this can be exceeded depending on your individual needs.
Clear Alignment Orthodontic Treatment FAQs
Our aligners rely on a series of custom-designed, transparent and soft plastic design that have a gently feel, controllable grip on your teeth to gently move them into place. You will need to replace your aligners every two weeks until the treatment is complete. The end result is a beautiful and healthy smile.
We advise that you wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day, only removing them when you eat and brush your teeth.
Like other dental treatments, it will take a few days to get used to having something inside your mouth. Most of our patients do not experience any changes in their speech, whilst some have experienced some minor discomfort for the first few days. Things should return back to normal once you get used to it.
Every new set of aligners will cause your teeth to feel tender initially. Thankfully, this shows that the treatment is working, and you are on your way to straighter teeth.
We advise that you remove your aligners first. Chewing with the aligners still in your mouth will cause the gum to stick to your aligners leading to discomfort.
We don’t recommend doing so! Nicotine can contaminate the aligners, staining them, meaning they are no longer invisible.
Keeping clean aligners is pretty easy. Simply brush them with toothpaste and rinse with warm water.
You will need to attend the clinic every 6 weeks. Although you don’t need modifications while wearing our aligners, we want to ensure that your treatment is going according to plan.
Yes, you will need to wear a retainer once your treatment is over. This is the only way to maintain the results of your treatment. Retainers aren’t too different from your aligners and eventually you’ll only need to wear them at night.
The duration of the treatment can vary from person to person. On average, it could take 6 – 12 months. Our dentists will give you a good idea how long your particular treatment will take.
The only way to determine if our Clear Alignment Orthodontic Treatment will work for you is to book a free consultation with Diamond Dental. We will assess your teeth and advise on the correct treatment.
Panic not! If you lose your aligners, call the clinic. We can arrange for replacements to be delivered to you.
Dental Crowns FAQs
Diamond Dental crowns can last 7 – 15 years. Crowns can be weakened by not maintaining adequate oral hygiene and onset of gum disease. Trauma can also affect the condition of your crowns and you should contact Diamond Dental immediately if this happens.
No. Crowns are usually fitted without root canal.
Diamond Dental crowns look completely natural.
A good quality procedure can take several weeks to complete. You will be given a temporary crown in the meantime. Quality work cannot be rushed, so it is vital to plan ahead.
We only use industry leading crowns for all patients.
Veneers FAQs
Veneers are small pieces of porcelain or composite bond fixed to the front surface of the teeth.
Used to hide underlying tooth. If your tooth needs straightening or you have gapped teeth, veneers can be used to hide these.
Veneers are an ideal solution if you have gaps in your teeth, if your teeth need straightening or if your tooth is chipped.
Veneers are an ideal solution if you have worn or cracked teeth. Veneers allow you to change the size, colour and shape of existing teeth.
The outer layer of the tooth is removed to create a rough surface so that the veneer can be attached to existing tooth.
A small amount of tooth loss is required, about the same size as the veneer to be applied.
After the tooth is formed, an image of the repaired tooth is taken and sent to senior Diamond Dental dentist so they can determine the right size, shape and colour you need.
If you choose Emax veneers, producing your veneers can take unto 10 days.
Not at all! We will provide a temporary denture that will cover your teeth until your veneers are fitted.
This all depends on how many veneers you need. The process usually takes less than an hour. The final installation takes less than 30 minutes.
Diamond dental only use the highest-quality dental materials so we don’t compromise on the strength and quality of our veneers. Please contact the clinic for a free consultation to determine the cost for your particular circumstances.
Porcelain veneers are extremely durable and do not need replacing unless they become damaged.
We can repair your composite veneers usually in one visit. If you have damaged porcelain veneers, these are manufactured at our laboratory, so replacing them would take a few more days.
Teeth Whitening FAQs
Professional dental products used under proper supervision do not damage teeth or gums. Some sensitivity may occur after the procedure, however this can easily be treated with a non-invasive gel.
Teeth whitening works by oxidising teeth. Oxygen molecules in the bleaching gel interact with bright molecules trapped in the base, causing them to defuse and produce whitening of the teeth.
Your Diamond Dental dentists will be happy to discuss different ways to whiten your teeth. Book a free consultation today.
The simple answer is yes providing that the procedure is carried our safely by a dental professional. At Diamond Dental it is our job to make sure you have healthy teeth that are suitable for teeth-whitening.
The most important thing are is to try and establish why your teeth are sensitive. In some patients, we can treat the sensitivity before your teeth whitening procedure. Teeth whitening can cause temporary enhanced sensitivity but this will subside shorty after. Therefore in a nutshell, just because you have sensitive teeth doesn’t mean you can’t have your teeth whitened by Diamond Dental.
Teeth whitening results tend to last longer if you down smoke or consume products that can cause staining on the teeth. These substances can cause external decay and reduce the brightness of the teeth. Regular brushing and dental visits to remove stains will keep your teeth in tip-top shape.
A big NO!
There is no evidence that these products whiten your teeth. Bicarbonate soda is extremely versatile because its used for kitchen cleaning and carpet stain removal among other things but its actually rough on your teeth, as is charcoal toothpaste.
Dental Fillings FAQs
These are the most common types of fillings. It’s only a good idea to replace these if they have cracked or worn out. Our composite fillings are generally recommended because not only do they last longer, they won’t need to be replaced due to wear and tear like the silver fillings.
Our composite fillings will never cause sensitivity, but occasionally you may experience some sensations. Drinking hot or cold drinks will not cause any discomfort.
Tooth coloured fillings are created from composite resin, which is great for fixing chips or other aesthetic problems inside the mouth. These fillings can also fix enamel damage or discolouration and seal gaps that can occur from general wear and tear.
Usually an hour, but this is dependent on your needs at the time.
This all depends on the size of the cavity that’s been filled. Its normal to be able to eat after the procedure without experiencing any discomfort, but we usually advise our patients to wait for a few hours to allow the anaesthesia to wear off .
Your composite fillings should remain tooth coloured for a long time, in most cases, lifetime!
There are many options at Diamond Dental including silver, amalgam, and our favourite, tooth coloured. We can also offer glass, ceramic and even gold!
Gum Grafting FAQs
Uneven gum tissue that’s covering too much or too little of the tooth’s surface can affect your smile’s true beauty. A bright attractive smile isn’t just made from beautiful pearly white teeth. Healthy and well-proportioned gums enhance your smile with an incredibly healthy and fresh appearance.
No. A tooth with too much exposed root area is prone to decaying quicker and becoming extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
If you’re lucky, your gum-related issues can be resolved without the need of going under the knife. This is precisely why we recommend booking a Video Consultation so our surgeons can determine how best to address your dental health problems. after your consultation our surgeons will be able to advise you of the best available corrective actions.
Since surgical procedures commonly involve incisions, stitches may be mandatory to close the incision and allow proper healing to begin. In some situations, a dressing may be needed, which will mean taking extra special care to keep the area as clean as possible. The oral surgeon will suggest ways to prevent the occurrence of problems related to the healing process. Over-the-counter pain medications may be sufficient after a procedure, but the surgeon will issue a prescription if the need for something stronger is needed. Discuss how and when any medications should be used to avoid complications. Typical healing process can take about one to two weeks, depending on the type of gum surgery performed. Your oral surgeon will also provide post-op instructions and care alternative to help the healing process.
Dentures FAQs
We take precise measurements of your jaw and teeth so your dentures fit perfectly without having to worry about any difficulties wearing them. The Diamond Dental Laboratory will make a detailed assessment using the latest state-of-the-art technology in producing your dentures.
You will notice some discomfort initially as your gums and jaw will need to get used to wearing false teeth. Once you get past this stage, we will carry out a further assessment and if necessary, make adjustments to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible wearing them.
Cleaning your dentures is as easy as cleaning your own teeth. We recommend you soak your dentures using cleaning tablets to remove any residual food particles.
Like the rest of your body, your gums and jaw change shape with age. Therefore, after 6 years, you will need to re-assess the situation and if necessary, get a new set of dentures made.
Root Canal Treatment FAQs
Root canal treatment involves the removal of nerve and pulp from an infected tooth. Without treatment, the infection will spread around the mouth that can lead to abscesses. The root canal is a natural cavity containing its nerve. Having your tooth with or without nerves does not affect the normal functioning of your teeth. The only function nerves serve is the feeling of hot, cold and other sensations.
An infected tooth will start to decay and the roots can become infected. If this happens, pus and other decayed debris may accumulate near the gum-line as well as between the root canal of a tooth’s narrow opening. The pain will normally alert you that there may be something wrong. Other symptoms can include swelling that can spread across the face and neck, as well as bone loss around the root tip.
The tooth’s nerve and pulp and become infected due to various dental procedures or trauma to the face and teeth. If you don’t take action in treating the symptoms, this could lead to bigger problems such as an abscessed tooth and jaw bone infection.
Symptoms that you may require surgery include severe toothache when chewing. You might suffer prolonged sensitivity when teeth are exposed to hot and cold temperatures. The infected tooth may also appear a darker colour. You may also experience tenderness and swelling in the gum area surrounding the infected tooth.
A root canal may require one or more visits to the dentist. An x-ray will be taken to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area surrounding the tooth and make the patient more comfortable. A sheet of rubber will be placed around the tooth (a rubber dam) to prevent the area becoming wet from saliva. A hole will then be drilled into the infected tooth. The dentist will then remove the pulp along with bacteria, the decayed nerve tissue and any debris. Root canal files are then used to clean the canal. Water or sodium hypochlorite is used to flush away the debris. Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, it is sealed. There are a few different schools of thought about when to seal the tooth. Some dentists may choose to wait and seal your tooth in seven days if you have an infection, while others will do it on the same day as cleaning. If they haven’t completed root canal work during that appointment, then some temporary filling comes into play until next time around! The tooth is filled with a sealer paste and gutta percha rubber compound, which will help protect the area from future infection. A filling to cover up any remaining hole in your teeth created at the beginning of treatment may also be placed before you leave. Finally it’s time for restoration; all that remains now are minor cosmetic changes like replacing what little was removed or having an artificial crown put on top of your natural one so as not to risk breakage later down the road when chewing becomes more vigorous again after healing has taken place.
Root canal procedures are no more painful than having a filling placed.
You may experienced heightened sensitivity for the first few days due to tissue inflammation. Most patients can return to life as normal the next day. You should avoid chewing on the tooth until a permanent filling or crown is fitted. This will help avoid further infections.
95% of cases will be successful and should last a lifetime.
On the odd occasion, minor complications can arise. This could result in having more than one hole or crack that wasn’t treated during the first procedure. Complications can also arise when the restoration doesn’t seal the area completely, allowing bacteria to reinfect the tooth. If you suffer complications, another root canal can be performed again.
Tooth Extraction FAQs
The first step in tooth extraction is numbing the area by injecting local anaesthesia. An alternative to this is using a numbing gel to make things more comfortable. During the extraction itself, little to no sensation is felt.
Once the treatment is complete, we will give you instructions on what you should and shouldn’t do to avoid complications.
We advise against smoking after the procedure because it can cause different complications. Smoking can also cause formed blood clots to unsettle, resulting in a painful dry socket. The blood clot is vital for the healing process.
Dental Implants FAQs
The cost of dental implants varies from patient to patient. We will discuss the value of your tailored treatment during your initial consultation. Dental implants are costlier than other dental solutions like bridges and dentures. Dental implants offer more comfort and convenience than other treatments and are the perfect long-term solution. For a fully customised quote, book a Video Consultation.
Yes, dental implants can easily replace dentures although people choose to have their dentures replaced because they are fixed to the jaw, putting an end to using adhesives.
Before the procedure, local anaesthesia is used in the mouth so you don’t feel anything. Post surgery you may experience some pain, bruising and swelling for about a week and this is entirely normal and after this you will be able return to normal life
Normally, dental implants can last as long as your natural teeth. It is important to take proper care of your implants to ensure a longer lifespan.
The duration of the procedure varies from person to person. The average time is 3 – 9 months, but this can be exceeded depending on your individual needs.
Clear Alignment Orthodontic Treatment FAQs
Our aligners rely on a series of custom-designed, transparent and soft plastic design that have a gently feel, controllable grip on your teeth to gently move them into place. You will need to replace your aligners every two weeks until the treatment is complete. The end result is a beautiful and healthy smile.
We advise that you wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day, only removing them when you eat and brush your teeth.
Like other dental treatments, it will take a few days to get used to having something inside your mouth. Most of our patients do not experience any changes in their speech, whilst some have experienced some minor discomfort for the first few days. Things should return back to normal once you get used to it.
Every new set of aligners will cause your teeth to feel tender initially. Thankfully, this shows that the treatment is working, and you are on your way to straighter teeth.
We advise that you remove your aligners first. Chewing with the aligners still in your mouth will cause the gum to stick to your aligners leading to discomfort.
We don’t recommend doing so! Nicotine can contaminate the aligners, staining them, meaning they are no longer invisible.
Keeping clean aligners is pretty easy. Simply brush them with toothpaste and rinse with warm water.
You will need to attend the clinic every 6 weeks. Although you don’t need modifications while wearing our aligners, we want to ensure that your treatment is going according to plan.
Yes, you will need to wear a retainer once your treatment is over. This is the only way to maintain the results of your treatment. Retainers aren’t too different from your aligners and eventually you’ll only need to wear them at night.
The duration of the treatment can vary from person to person. On average, it could take 6 – 12 months. Our dentists will give you a good idea how long your particular treatment will take.
The only way to determine if our Clear Alignment Orthodontic Treatment will work for you is to book a free consultation with Diamond Dental. We will assess your teeth and advise on the correct treatment.
Panic not! If you lose your aligners, call the clinic. We can arrange for replacements to be delivered to you.
Dental Crowns FAQs
Diamond Dental crowns can last 7 – 15 years. Crowns can be weakened by not maintaining adequate oral hygiene and onset of gum disease. Trauma can also affect the condition of your crowns and you should contact Diamond Dental immediately if this happens.
No. Crowns are usually fitted without root canal.
Diamond Dental crowns look completely natural.
A good quality procedure can take several weeks to complete. You will be given a temporary crown in the meantime. Quality work cannot be rushed, so it is vital to plan ahead.
We only use industry leading crowns for all patients.
Veneers FAQs
Veneers are small pieces of porcelain or composite bond fixed to the front surface of the teeth.
Used to hide underlying tooth. If your tooth needs straightening or you have gapped teeth, veneers can be used to hide these.
Veneers are an ideal solution if you have gaps in your teeth, if your teeth need straightening or if your tooth is chipped.
Veneers are an ideal solution if you have worn or cracked teeth. Veneers allow you to change the size, colour and shape of existing teeth.
The outer layer of the tooth is removed to create a rough surface so that the veneer can be attached to existing tooth.
A small amount of tooth loss is required, about the same size as the veneer to be applied.
After the tooth is formed, an image of the repaired tooth is taken and sent to senior Diamond Dental dentist so they can determine the right size, shape and colour you need.
If you choose Emax veneers, producing your veneers can take unto 10 days.
Not at all! We will provide a temporary denture that will cover your teeth until your veneers are fitted.
This all depends on how many veneers you need. The process usually takes less than an hour. The final installation takes less than 30 minutes.
Diamond dental only use the highest-quality dental materials so we don’t compromise on the strength and quality of our veneers. Please contact the clinic for a free consultation to determine the cost for your particular circumstances.
Porcelain veneers are extremely durable and do not need replacing unless they become damaged.
We can repair your composite veneers usually in one visit. If you have damaged porcelain veneers, these are manufactured at our laboratory, so replacing them would take a few more days.
Teeth Whitening FAQs
Professional dental products used under proper supervision do not damage teeth or gums. Some sensitivity may occur after the procedure, however this can easily be treated with a non-invasive gel.
Teeth whitening works by oxidising teeth. Oxygen molecules in the bleaching gel interact with bright molecules trapped in the base, causing them to defuse and produce whitening of the teeth.
Your Diamond Dental dentists will be happy to discuss different ways to whiten your teeth. Book a free consultation today.
The simple answer is yes providing that the procedure is carried our safely by a dental professional. At Diamond Dental it is our job to make sure you have healthy teeth that are suitable for teeth-whitening.
The most important thing are is to try and establish why your teeth are sensitive. In some patients, we can treat the sensitivity before your teeth whitening procedure. Teeth whitening can cause temporary enhanced sensitivity but this will subside shorty after. Therefore in a nutshell, just because you have sensitive teeth doesn’t mean you can’t have your teeth whitened by Diamond Dental.
Teeth whitening results tend to last longer if you down smoke or consume products that can cause staining on the teeth. These substances can cause external decay and reduce the brightness of the teeth. Regular brushing and dental visits to remove stains will keep your teeth in tip-top shape.
A big NO!
There is no evidence that these products whiten your teeth. Bicarbonate soda is extremely versatile because its used for kitchen cleaning and carpet stain removal among other things but its actually rough on your teeth, as is charcoal toothpaste.
Dental Fillings FAQs
These are the most common types of fillings. It’s only a good idea to replace these if they have cracked or worn out. Our composite fillings are generally recommended because not only do they last longer, they won’t need to be replaced due to wear and tear like the silver fillings.
Our composite fillings will never cause sensitivity, but occasionally you may experience some sensations. Drinking hot or cold drinks will not cause any discomfort.
Tooth coloured fillings are created from composite resin, which is great for fixing chips or other aesthetic problems inside the mouth. These fillings can also fix enamel damage or discolouration and seal gaps that can occur from general wear and tear.
Usually an hour, but this is dependent on your needs at the time.
This all depends on the size of the cavity that’s been filled. Its normal to be able to eat after the procedure without experiencing any discomfort, but we usually advise our patients to wait for a few hours to allow the anaesthesia to wear off .
Your composite fillings should remain tooth coloured for a long time, in most cases, lifetime!
There are many options at Diamond Dental including silver, amalgam, and our favourite, tooth coloured. We can also offer glass, ceramic and even gold!
Gum Grafting FAQs
Uneven gum tissue that’s covering too much or too little of the tooth’s surface can affect your smile’s true beauty. A bright attractive smile isn’t just made from beautiful pearly white teeth. Healthy and well-proportioned gums enhance your smile with an incredibly healthy and fresh appearance.
No. A tooth with too much exposed root area is prone to decaying quicker and becoming extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
If you’re lucky, your gum-related issues can be resolved without the need of going under the knife. This is precisely why we recommend booking a Video Consultation so our surgeons can determine how best to address your dental health problems. after your consultation our surgeons will be able to advise you of the best available corrective actions.
Since surgical procedures commonly involve incisions, stitches may be mandatory to close the incision and allow proper healing to begin. In some situations, a dressing may be needed, which will mean taking extra special care to keep the area as clean as possible. The oral surgeon will suggest ways to prevent the occurrence of problems related to the healing process. Over-the-counter pain medications may be sufficient after a procedure, but the surgeon will issue a prescription if the need for something stronger is needed. Discuss how and when any medications should be used to avoid complications. Typical healing process can take about one to two weeks, depending on the type of gum surgery performed. Your oral surgeon will also provide post-op instructions and care alternative to help the healing process.
Dentures FAQs
We take precise measurements of your jaw and teeth so your dentures fit perfectly without having to worry about any difficulties wearing them. The Diamond Dental Laboratory will make a detailed assessment using the latest state-of-the-art technology in producing your dentures.
You will notice some discomfort initially as your gums and jaw will need to get used to wearing false teeth. Once you get past this stage, we will carry out a further assessment and if necessary, make adjustments to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible wearing them.
Cleaning your dentures is as easy as cleaning your own teeth. We recommend you soak your dentures using cleaning tablets to remove any residual food particles.
Like the rest of your body, your gums and jaw change shape with age. Therefore, after 6 years, you will need to re-assess the situation and if necessary, get a new set of dentures made.
Root Canal Treatment FAQs
Root canal treatment involves the removal of nerve and pulp from an infected tooth. Without treatment, the infection will spread around the mouth that can lead to abscesses. The root canal is a natural cavity containing its nerve. Having your tooth with or without nerves does not affect the normal functioning of your teeth. The only function nerves serve is the feeling of hot, cold and other sensations.
An infected tooth will start to decay and the roots can become infected. If this happens, pus and other decayed debris may accumulate near the gum-line as well as between the root canal of a tooth’s narrow opening. The pain will normally alert you that there may be something wrong. Other symptoms can include swelling that can spread across the face and neck, as well as bone loss around the root tip.
The tooth’s nerve and pulp and become infected due to various dental procedures or trauma to the face and teeth. If you don’t take action in treating the symptoms, this could lead to bigger problems such as an abscessed tooth and jaw bone infection.
Symptoms that you may require surgery include severe toothache when chewing. You might suffer prolonged sensitivity when teeth are exposed to hot and cold temperatures. The infected tooth may also appear a darker colour. You may also experience tenderness and swelling in the gum area surrounding the infected tooth.
A root canal may require one or more visits to the dentist. An x-ray will be taken to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area surrounding the tooth and make the patient more comfortable. A sheet of rubber will be placed around the tooth (a rubber dam) to prevent the area becoming wet from saliva. A hole will then be drilled into the infected tooth. The dentist will then remove the pulp along with bacteria, the decayed nerve tissue and any debris. Root canal files are then used to clean the canal. Water or sodium hypochlorite is used to flush away the debris. Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, it is sealed. There are a few different schools of thought about when to seal the tooth. Some dentists may choose to wait and seal your tooth in seven days if you have an infection, while others will do it on the same day as cleaning. If they haven’t completed root canal work during that appointment, then some temporary filling comes into play until next time around! The tooth is filled with a sealer paste and gutta percha rubber compound, which will help protect the area from future infection. A filling to cover up any remaining hole in your teeth created at the beginning of treatment may also be placed before you leave. Finally it’s time for restoration; all that remains now are minor cosmetic changes like replacing what little was removed or having an artificial crown put on top of your natural one so as not to risk breakage later down the road when chewing becomes more vigorous again after healing has taken place.
Root canal procedures are no more painful than having a filling placed.
You may experienced heightened sensitivity for the first few days due to tissue inflammation. Most patients can return to life as normal the next day. You should avoid chewing on the tooth until a permanent filling or crown is fitted. This will help avoid further infections.
95% of cases will be successful and should last a lifetime.
On the odd occasion, minor complications can arise. This could result in having more than one hole or crack that wasn’t treated during the first procedure. Complications can also arise when the restoration doesn’t seal the area completely, allowing bacteria to reinfect the tooth. If you suffer complications, another root canal can be performed again.
Tooth Extraction FAQs
The first step in tooth extraction is numbing the area by injecting local anaesthesia. An alternative to this is using a numbing gel to make things more comfortable. During the extraction itself, little to no sensation is felt.
Once the treatment is complete, we will give you instructions on what you should and shouldn’t do to avoid complications.
We advise against smoking after the procedure because it can cause different complications. Smoking can also cause formed blood clots to unsettle, resulting in a painful dry socket. The blood clot is vital for the healing process.
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- Comfortable and spacious sitting area that will put you at ease, great place to relax before and after your Diamond Dental treatment
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- Non-judgmental diagnosis. Diamond Dental is not here to judge! all we want is to improve your oral health and smile 🙂